3 Ways to Care Less About What Other People Think of You

You’re not as important as you think; let this be freeing.

Nikki McMillan
4 min readFeb 19, 2021
Photo by Jake Ryan from Pexels

Wouldn’t it feel incredible to stop obsessing, overthinking, and stressing about every word you say and decision you make?

Imagine how free you’d feel if you trusted yourself, knew your worth and value, and didn’t need other people’s approval.

How would you start living life differently?

Most people are walking around living as if they’re coming back. Settling for less than they want, playing it safe, and making sure they’re not rocking the boat because they fear upsetting someone and are terrified of making a mistake.

Is this really how you want to keep spending your time?

Here’s the deal, you’re not as important as you think you are. I don’t mean this in a condensing way. I mean this in an exciting, “Wahoo, I’m free!” kind of way.

Let me explain.

People care more about themselves than they do about your screw-ups.

I remember transitioning my life coaching practice online in 2018. I was terrified of putting myself out there for everyone to see, saying the wrong thing, possibly offending people, my friends and family judging me, and looking like an imposter.

Every time I wrote and shared a post or video, I would obsess about the likes and comments and be so worried about getting critical feedback.

Then I realized that not everyone cares or has the time to read or hear what I have to say, especially the people who aren’t my audience or part of my online community.

Realizing this freed me up big time!

What I mean by that is I no longer had to obsess and stress myself out with trying to please every single last person who viewed my online work. My intention wasn’t and still isn’t to win everyone over. It’s simply to share my message and experience with those who want and need to hear it the most, period.

Those who don’t resonate with my message are already on to the next thing, and that’s wonderful for them and me, and for you too, if you’re someone who struggles with putting your real self out there.

Stop worrying yourself to death about pleasing everyone and doing everything flawlessly; perfection doesn’t exist. The people who are meant to be part of your tribe will find you and love you for being you. And those who aren’t will keep it moving.

Let this be freeing for you.

Commit to becoming the best possible version of yourself.

Okay, so obviously, no one is perfect and never will be. However, we can work on up-leveling our mindset and how we perceive the world around us.

The more we work on what’s in our control each day to the best of our ability, the better we become and the more purposeful and fulfilling our life feels.

One way I work on becoming a better version of myself each day is I try something new or different. Something outside of my regular routine or comfort zone like:

Checking out and viewing a new YouTube channel that is different from my typical interest.

Taking a new route during my morning run.

Calling a friend who is used to texting all the time to have an actual conversation over the phone instead of a long, drawn-out written one.

Buying a new book or two on Amazon that is different from my usual reading genre.

These are a few ways you can stretch your mindset, perspective and ultimately become a better version of yourself little by little each day.

The truth is people are projecting all day, every day.

Listen, when someone is freaking out and reacting in a way that doesn’t line up with the situation or problem that’s happening in real-time. This is an indicator that something else is going on with them.

Maybe they haven’t yet dealt with the deeper issue that’s been tugging on them for years. Most people (especially women) suppress their real emotions and don’t face them as often as they should. I used to be one of them.

The more we suppress, the more that leads to anxiety, anger, frustration, and defensive behavior.

People who haven’t learned how to process their emotions in a healthy way are projecting their fears and inadequacy onto others. That’s why you can’t take everyone’s reaction and feedback personally all the time.

However, you also need to realize this about yourself, if you too, are projecting on to others. If so, admit this and get the help you need.

You can’t please and win everyone over; that’s just not possible. Plus, you don’t want to do that anyway. There’s no fulfillment and joy with being a people pleaser, only frustration, regret, and resentment. Start showing up for yourself and doing what makes you happy because that inspires and impacts others.



Nikki McMillan
Nikki McMillan

Written by Nikki McMillan

Nikki McMillan is a passionate confidence mentor on a mission to empower women to reclaim their self-worth and create the life and relationships they desire.

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